Competent. Charming. Our personnel for you

We can just as easily provide you with a photographer, a chauffeur team for the shuttle service and extra assistance for your service crew as we can book hostesses, security services, interpreters, speakers or an excellent culinary artist whose creations will soon be on everyone’s lips. We can find the people you need to make your event a thoroughly successful affair on both a professional and personal level.

Guest management with a personal touch

Thanks to the agency team’s many years of experience, Event Lobby can take care of all guest management including making travel arrangements, and sending out save-the-date reminders, custom themed gifts, and souvenir photos. You’re also in the right place if you want to put your event online through a custom website or event app.

Small gifts make all the difference

Looking for a gift that properly sums up the theme of your event and provides your guests with a charming reminder? Event Lobby giveaways are small tokens of appreciation which will have a great effect on your guests. Look forward to the finest regional delicacies from our various partners, or lasting, individualized advertising material.