Discover where!

You know what, who and how – but not yet where? We will find the hotel and location that provide your event with the most impressive impact, anywhere in Germany: from the Bay of Kiel to Allgäu. Event Lobby’s dedication and industry expertise know no bounds: We can also find what you need throughout Europe, and even worldwide!

We love challenges

The requirements for your event are a welcome opportunity for us to show you what we can accomplish – no matter how detailed. We have extensive expertise in conducting product presentations, conventions or sales meetings, conferences, training, employee events and workshops, and can naturally provide you with code compliant locations and hotels. Whatever kind of event you have in mind, we will ensure that it becomes a reality.

May we find it for you?

Place the location and hotel search in our well-trained hands, with confidence. Event Lobby stands for highest reliability and commitment! Of course, we guarantee the availability of the considered venues. By the way: Joint site inspections are also part of our service.

After you have chosen your favorites, we are happy to take care of everything else – from contract negotiation and detail arrangements, through the follow-up.